Saturday, 5 August 2017

The Liebster Award Tag

Firstly, a huge thank you to the lovely imwithbeth (click her name to head to her blog, she's honestly one of the most supportive bloggers out there!) Beth actually tagged me in her Liebster Award post over on her blog, which is where I then got the inspiration for this post. I'm so excited to have been tagged in something like this, it's such an amazing thing to be included in; as a new(ish) blogger, I love using social media as a way of getting to know other bloggers. It's also great to read other blogs, there's so much talent and inspiration to be found in this world so it's fantastic to be a part of this community and I think a lot of people don't realise just how much time you spend on all of the different aspects of blogging; the photographs, the writing, the planning, etc. So this tag is the perfect way to commend bloggers for their hard work!

1. Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging mostly so that I could express my creativity. I studied Fine Art and Photography for many years and so I felt like I needed to use my degree in some way. I originally started this blog whilst I was at university, but it was always at the back of my mind until I finished university and was settled in a full time and repetitive job. About a year ago I decided to redesign my whole blog; the photography, the name, the brand overall and I haven't looked back since. I love getting my creativity out and most of all I really like expressing myself and having something that's truly 'mine'. It's really helped my mental health too by getting to know other bloggers and getting involved in the blogging communities. It's such a supportive place and I'm enjoying it; I don't blog to make money, I have a full time job so for me blogging is an enjoyable hobby.

2. What is a quote/motto you live by?

Honestly, there are so many things that I live by, but I guess the most important for me at the moment is 'it's ok not to be ok'. Over the past few weeks I've been really struggling with my mental health and that quote is really helping to remind me that I'm not alone and that I need to talk about it. However, another quote that I absolutely love is 'she believed she could so she did' as it's so empowering and inspiring. It's one of those things that you can apply to all of the different aspects to your life. I truly believe that attempting to think positively has a genuine affect on your mind.

3. If you could visit any place in the world where would it be and why?

I would love to visit Prague in Hungary. If I'm honest I'd love to see so many places around the world, although I do want to explore the many countries of Europe more than anywhere else. For the past couple of years I've wanted to go to Prague and I don't think I'll be disappointed if I ever manage to visit; although if there was only one place I could ever visit it would have to be Poland as I've really fallen in love with that country.

4. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?

I'd like to still be blogging, ideally but I don't want to be blogging as a job. I know that sounds bizarre as there are so many people looking for a career in blogging, but for me personally I like having a regular job (one that I enjoy) and using blogging as a way of finding happiness. I'd like to see myself still documenting my life, at whatever stage of life I'm at in five years. It's mad to think that I'll be 29 in five years! So, if I'm honest I have no idea where my blog will be at in five years!

5. Who is your favourite blogger/influencer?

There are so many bloggers that I've loved over the years, but my favourites are probably Liv Purvis from WhatOliviaDid and Carrie from WishWishWish. They're so naturally beautiful and chic with a penchant for beautiful items and I feel like they have really lovely taste. I must a admit, I'm a sucker for those who blog in London as I grew up in London so I just enjoy seeing new and exciting parts of the city that I never realised existed before.

6. What advice would you give to new bloggers?

I would say don't start blogging to become famous, or to make thousands of pounds as that's so unlikely to happen; there's so many other things to blogging and there is a great community out there. Although it's difficult, it's also important to stop comparing yourself to other bloggers as no two blogs are the same, just like no two people are the same; it's all about individuality and creativity above anything else.

7. What is your biggest fear?

I've got a ridiculous list of things that bother me; I'm not a fan of heights, deep water amongst so many other things. I'm also afraid of having my mental health get worse, of being alone too much. They're all fears that are fairly irrational, but they're terrifying for me all the same and I hate how much some of these fears can literally take over my life at times.

8. What is your favourite tv series?

This is a hard one actually. If you asked me when I was younger it would have definitely been Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Friends, and The Simpsons but I have to admit that currently I'm not massively into watching lots of tv anymore as I prefer YouTube or reading (yes I'm a bit sad like that haha) but if I had to choose then I'm a big fan of Doctor Who, Broadchurch and Outnumbered. 

9. What is your favourite accessory?

I'm a massive jewellery fiend; I literally always have some kind of jewellery somewhere on my body (with 19 piercings that's hardly a surprise) so I always have earrings or rings on, although it's more likely to be earrings. However in terms of fashion accessories my favourite for the summer months would be shoes and in the winter months scarves; if I could live in autumn all year round I would, I absolutely love autumn fashions and accessories.

10. If you could only eat one item of food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Anything with potatoes! I absolutely love any kind of meal that involves potatoes somehow, whether that's chips, hash browns, wedges, jacket potatoes etc. so I'd be pretty happy to live on something that includes that kind of food for the rest of my life as that's more or less what I already do!

11. What can you not live without?

There are so many things I can't live without; in a literal sense, air, food and water but in the sense of luxuries then I couldn't be without my phone, my handbag and also my friends and family; without them I actually don't know what I'd do in terms of my day to day life. As this is a bloggers tag I feel like I should say that I couldn't live without my blog too ;)

Below are the 11 bloggers I have decided to tag with a link to their blogs:

So that leaves me with some questions for the 11 blogs I have tagged:

1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What are your current blogging goals?
3. If money wasn't an issue what would you want to do with your life?
4. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?
5. What would you describe your blogging style (e.g. Lifestyle, Beauty) as and why?
6. What advice would you give to new bloggers?
7. What is your biggest fashion or beauty faux pas?
8. What is your favourite beauty item?
9. What is your favourite form of social media?
10. What tools of the trade would you recommend to new bloggers?
11. Would you ever stop blogging?

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