Wednesday, 7 March 2018

A Book Haul #3

Hello again guys; over the past couple of months I feel like my bookcases have started to struggle with the amount of books that I've purchased, oops. Recently I've been loving discovering gems for as little as 20p in charity shops or in Libraries that are selling off their excess stock. I'm sorry if it seems like I've posted a ridiculous amount of book hauls over the past few months, the reason behind my excessive book buying is not only do I love a good book, it is also a reasonably inexpensively enjoyable hobby once you know where to find the best titles for excellent prices too. Plus, it's always nice to escape the world around you and focus on another world for a few hours. Below are the titles that I've been naughty and bought this week alone:

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty
Baby Doll by Hollie Overton
Girl at War by Sara Nović
I See You by Clare Mackintosh
Johnathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Suzanna Clarke
I Let You Go by Clare Mackintosh
The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

As I've previously mentioned in other posts, I'm sucker for beautiful covers, but I also do read a bit of everything, too. I've read some of the books below already, but they're the kind of reads that I'd love to reread at some point as they were that good that they're still on my mind, a couple of months afterward. (That is the sign of an excellent novel!) I do feel like I need to invest in a larger bookcase now though as I have literally ran out of any space at all and I doubt I'll stop wanting to buy books any time soon. I've recently joined two Book Clubs, which I'm really excited about as I've been wanting to join one for ages now. Are any of you members of book clubs, reading or have read any of the books included in this haul or on Goodreads? Let me know in the comments :)


  1. Charity book shops are honestly my favourite place to buy books! I love looking at all the old editions of books and vintage covers. Because tbh I'm such a sucker for beautiful covers too! These all look so great, the Liane Moriaty one looks especially interesting.
    Have an amazing day!
    EscapesAndEpiphanies | Travel Fashion Lifestyle

  2. I've had gone girl on my bookshelf for so long now, so desperate to read it but just haven't found the time! xx

    Jasmine |


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