Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Au Revoir 2013!

Hello everyone, I'm sorry I haven't really posted much  over the past month as I've being having a bit of a rough time. However I promise that I am well and truly back! Above are a selection of photographs of my past months/year, which is obviously rather fitting as it's New Year Eve (right now).

Some of the photographs feature my christmas presents; e.g. the 'Build-a-bear' from my godson and the Pandora from my friends and my family and also the current beauty haul that is going on in my life - I've decided to refresh my make-up and look a little, be a little more girlie and fresh faced. To achieve this, I have began to throw away all of the make-up I had lying around that has been used to death, and start again. It's a good excuse to experiment and find which colours, shades and brands work for me and my combination skin.

Another of the photographs is of a wall hanging filled with polaroid photographs from the past year; lunches with friends, journeys around london, my pets etc. Looking at the photographs it is clear that I'm very interested and fond of colours, something that follows through in my creative sense at university; My Art and Design Blog [HERE] and so in January I will be doing a more specific post about my beauty bag and sale hauls, along with some product reviews, so stay tuned!

Back to new year - Happy New Year everyone!
Here's hoping 2014 brings more positivity, as 2013 has been rather a roller coaster at times, unfortunately. I can't believe that my graduation date is growing ever closer, it seemed to be so far away… Therefore it is resolution time - - -

1. Post more on this blog and become more set on my future after University; internships etc.
2. Concentrate on feeling better and caring for my body in a healthier way.
3. Save some money!
4. Learn to be more self confident and less insecure.
5. To mature, to grow and breathe.

Farewell 2013, Hello 2014! Rach x x x

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