Saturday, 29 April 2017

Favourite Instagrammers #10

Hello again! I've found that throughout April I've not loved instagram as much as I did for the last few months or so, mostly because of some of the scandal surrounding it, but also because I'm getting fairly irritated with the whole follow to unfollow game. As a result, I've actually been on the app a lot less as I've found twitter instead, oops. That being said, I'm now trying to refind my love for instagram as I do love the ideal of enjoying visual posts; there's something satisfying about liking visually lovely photographs, especially during these spring months as I love watching nature and lifestyle photographs develop; as the weather improves photography seems to look so much more appealing!



I've only followed Elleanor since the past month (or thereabouts) and one of the reasons that I really love her instagram feed is that she doesn't follow a theme; every post feels real and a true reflection of her life, whether that is a cake, a burger (basically lots of foodie bits), books, various flower bouquets and the occasional selfie. I like how she posts whatever she's doing or loving at the time, often with a short, simple and sweet caption, for example 'bright and early morning' which is fab as I'm not one to read long, long captions unless I'm having a chilled out scroll before sleeping. Her instagram is often an advertiser for her blog, which is similarly down to earth.



I followed Charlotte fairly recently, but one of the reasons why I like her instagram feed is that I really enjoy seeing other people's make up collections, as well as what looks they create; she definitely loves make up as her collection is pretty huge! I also like the motivational quotes that she posts, a little bit of postivity in everyday life never goes amiss. Alongside beauty posts she also posts fashion based posts, such as styled outfits, new shoes and new bags. The majority of her posts are beauty posts, whether that is new make up from Charlotte Tilbury, NYX or MAC; or swatches of different products, any make up lover will enjoy seeing her photographs as they're super informative for anyone with a pale skin tone.



Jessy is another blogger who I recently followed on instagram, mostly because of her understanding of mental health and beautiful photography. Much of her feed focusses on different make up products, stunning architecture and spring in bloom. I like that her feed doesn't follow a rigid theme, mixing up all of the said themes; from pastel-lay, princess pink make up flatlays to vibrant city architecture in various countries spread accross Europe, such as Budapest in Hungary. There are also some lifestyle posts thrown in, for example photos of food, skincare and books. Overall she's an all round instagrammer with lots of different interests.



I'm loving Jodie's photography at the minute, particularly as it's incredibly artistic with very carefully laid depth of field; there are many beautifully framed photos of nature, such as roses, tulips, cherry blossom and dahlias. As well as various lifestyle images, including old cameras, a dog, cakes, perfume and fashion magazines. She has a really lovely eye for photography and every single image looks perfectly planned and nicely laid out, which just proves that the idea of the instagram theme is fairly pointless. Some of my favourite photos by Jodie are summers by the sea, cliffs, boats and sea shells galore, giving a glimpse into life by the coast.



Lucy has a relatively small instagram following, which seems bizarre as she has such a lovely feed; on the whole her photographs are fairly pastel based, with lots of white in the images but there definitely isn't a strict theme as such. I like seeing a mix of beauty, architecture, nature and fashion, which Lucy does effortlessly. Photos of spring, such as cherry blossoms, blue skies and sun are frequent, as are flatlays of beauty products and stationary; her feed is pretty much a bloggers paradise with some lovely fashion pieces featured, all for those on a budget, perfect for people like me, who are forever on a budget!


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