Thursday 18 August 2016

Favourite Instagrammers - August

Hello again! As I said last month, I'm definitely addicted to Instagram; I love the simplicity of it, how you can express yourself visually and just explore it. It's a really easy way to connect with people that you don't know and also find topics that you're interested in. I'm always scrolling through Instagram without even thinking about it, but there are always some people who I look at more than others and these ladies have lovely feeds. Please note that all of these images belong to them and were found using a simple Google search. 



I actually found Lottie's Instagram after she liked one of my photos; I literally looked at her feed out of curiosity and followed her. As she's a similar skin tone to me I love her make-up posts as I know that the majority of the products will suit my skin tone. She also posts a lot of outfits and her photos are simply stunning, they're so detailed and rich in colour and focus.



After seeing a YouTube video by Meg, I noticed she had an Instagram account as well and followed her almost immediately. Her photos are always beautifully taken and look amazing, but also she often posts photos of her enjoying herself with friends alongside her more standard blogger beauty photos.



Laura is an incredibly inspiring woman and has a definite power about her posts, often encouraging other women to love themselves regardless of their size, age or intelligence level. I also really want to read the book she's written as she seems to have a level headed approach to every aspect of life.



Sophie's Instagram is definitely more related to my love of the arts, as she's an illustrator and poet. Her feed is full of her journals and how she fills them with thoughts, words and visual feelings. I like how she mixed words and poetry with visual imagery across the page, as well as how her style is so clear; always in pen and mostly black lines. 



After seeing one of her photos on the 'explore' page of Instagram, I scrolled through her feed and instantly liked it. Often posting beautifully arranged photos of food, her cat and herself, she also makes the most ordinary things seem extraordinary, such as having a milkshake. It's her enthusiasm for life that makes her enjoyable to follow.

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