Monday, 23 January 2017

Happy Things #4


1. Journeys to work with my iPod on and listening to music that will put me in a good mood for the start of the day. It's a small thing but it really helps me to simply breathe, relax and control my anxiety.

2. I've recently got back into reading more regularly, I'm enjoying the feeling of escaping from this world and into another, so to speak. I've rediscovered how much I like owning a kindle and have been using it much more than I had been previously.

3. Spending time with my boyfriend always makes me feel less anxious, he has a way of calming me down and keeping my mind on the more positive side of life. Having the glass half full is definitely better than having it half empty.

4. Seeing friends always puts a smile on face, especially when it reminds you about all of the important and good things that are going on in your life. My best friend always knows how to cheer me up and keep my mind on a good plane.

5. Having more free time, more time to spend with friends, family and my boyfriend and definitely much more time to focus on keeping up a positive frame of mind.


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